Faculty Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisals are used to assess professional competence and contribution to programmatic and institutional outcomes. All faculty will demonstrate, at a minimum, satisfactory teaching competence and active scholarship. Full-time faculty will also demonstrate participation in service activities, and may have assigned administrative responsibilities as well. In addition, should performance patterns be identified that reflect an emerging concern, the Dean over the respective program(s), in conjunction with the Department Chair(s) and Provost, will work with the faculty member to develop and implement a performance improvement plan, or a set of developmental activities to improve performance to acceptable levels. Faculty performance appraisals may be used in decisions regarding continued employment, promotion, and professional development. Faculty members are expected to support the University mission, vision, core values, programmatic outcomes, and institutional policy. In addition, global competencies must be met satisfactorily to include critical thinking, integrity and honesty, student centeredness, job knowledge and skill application, self-development, communication, ability to develop and inspire others, collaboration, driven for results, and initiative.
At RMU, the performance cycle runs from September 1st to December 31st of the following year. (ex. Sep 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2024). Immediately after the performance cycle ends, faculty and supervisors then begin and complete the performance review for that cycle. This typically happens from January 1st to February 31st.
Faculty Performance Reviews are completed in Engagedly, an online employee performance management software. Faculty and supervisors receive automated emails from Engagedly when there are reviews to be completed.